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Virtual bonsai exhibition 2020

Virtual bonsai exhibition Olivet/Orléans France

Our regional Bonsai exhibition planned on the 31/10 & 01/11 was cancelled two days before opening due to the Covid-19.

The exhibitors and all the sector professionals have learned this news with disappointment and sadness.


However, the will to present our little trees was still very strong and this is why we have decided to realize a virtual exhibition. Our trees were ready and our cameras not very far.

Of course, it was not that easy, we were missing our displays and the low light of the November days was not helping. But, with strength and courage, we all organized to create improvised “photo studios”.

Presentations have been done, photos have been circulating, advices have been provided. You will find below our work compilation.


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Date de dernière mise à jour : 14/10/2021